Coping with nerves
Many people suffer from interview nerves; it’s only natural. The best way to cope is to be totally focused beforehand on what you want to say in the interview and mentally rehearse. Be very positive during the interview and concentrate on what makes you a great candidate.
Remember, the employer is already interested in you; you have the skills and experience needed, so enjoy meeting the interviewer and finding out more about the people you could be working for.
Take a few deep breaths to compose yourself before the interview and stay calm. Don’t rush your answers or be ponderous with your replies to questions. Listen carefully to the questions being asked and answer clearly and concisely.
Don’t show your nerves
Shaky hands? – don’t let your hands show your nerves as it will make you look weak. If you’re aware that your hands shake, cross them firmly and rest your forearms on the edge of the table or fold them onto your lap.
Tea or coffee?
If you’re offered a tea or coffee, politely refuse, as this causes an awkward delay to the start of the meeting. A cup and saucer clutter up the table and if our hands are a bit shaky, it could be embarrassing. By all means, request a glass of water if your throat is dry, as this is easy to prepare and less fiddly than tea and coffee.
Get some sleep
Sounds obvious but if you’re nervous, you probably won’t have slept much the night before.
Which means you’ll arrive at the interview tired and looking the worse for wear. Your concentration levels will be affected and your ability to perform to your best.
Mentally prepare
Before you arrive at reception to announce yourself, find a nearby park or coffee shop and mentally prepare yourself. Take a few deep breaths and go over in your mind the points you wish to make and how you will respond to the questions you know are coming. Mentally rehearse the interview from greeting the interviewer right through to conclusion. Think positive and remember, they wouldn’t have invited you to an interview if they didn’t believe you had the right skills and experience, so you’ve every right to feel positive about the interview.
For more job interview tips, click here. For in-demand soft skills and positions in the Middle East, download our Middle East Salary & Hiring Insights Guide 2021.