Woman in a yellow sweater working on a laptop while sitting on a couch.

If you are not used to working from home on a regular or continuous basis, it can be difficult to get used to working the same as you would in the office. Governments across the world have advised all of us to social distance where we can, which means a lot of us will be working from home for the foreseeable future and may lose a lot of the social interactions we would typically experience in the office.

To support you in managing these two big life changes, we have put together some useful advice on how to stay motivated when you are working from home and social distancing.

1. Stay connected

When you are social distancing, it can easily lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness. Even if you live with family, it is important to stay connected to those at work as they are also managing this unique circumstance. Technology has enabled people to stay connected 24/7 via video platforms and instant messaging, so keep having regular conversations with your wider team. You will be surprised by how a team video meeting can boost spirits and revive your motivation.

2. Track your workload

When working from home, it is important to keep track of the work you are prioritising now as well as any work that you had planned before shifting to remote working. This will enable you to keep tabs on everything you have on your plate and stop you from feeling overwhelmed as this is a busy time for most businesses. If a lack of resources is hindering your ability to do your job most efficiently, then be sure to raise this with your manager.

3. Take your normal lunch break

When working from home, it is easy to get sucked into a hole of work tasks. It is important to take regular breaks throughout the day. Take your full lunch break and plan some time for yourself. When social distancing, it would be advisable to find some time to get out of the house for some exercise, if possible and safe to do so. Running is one option to consider and allows you the time to clear your head and keep fit at the same time.

4. Schedule more catch ups

Whether you are a manager or not, it is important to have regular contact with your team. Talking through workloads and priorities means that you can keep track of what you are all doing, and shift workloads around easily with minimal disruptions. Be sure you understand how everyone is affected by their new working from home setups as it may mean tasks take longer to complete in some instances.

5. Start your day writing a plan

A lot of people plan their working day or week ahead of schedule. When you are social distancing and working from home, your work priorities may have changed significantly from the norm. Creating a plan at the beginning of the day or right after your team catch up will give you tasks to hit throughout the day and will help you to feel accomplished when everything is finished.

6. Focus on self-care

If you are not used to working from home, it can be easy to forget your daily self-care routine. Getting ready and dressed in the morning is important to keep yourself feeling awake and like you are at work. Also, try to make sure that you remain hydrated throughout the day as this can increase productivity levels as well. Furthermore, a good night’s sleep can help you to feel focused and clear-headed each day.

7. Keep in touch with loved ones

During this period of social distancing, it can be hard to be away from loved ones. Keeping in touch with them over the phone or through video calls will keep you connected, and these regular chats will boost your morale if you are feeling lonely or distant from your family and friends.

During this time, it is crucial to look after yourself and keep in mind the safety of others, above everything else. Social distancing might be out of the norm and feel quite difficult at times, but it is necessary. Ensure that you are looking after yourself when are home working or in the house more than normal, as it is key to maintaining motivated when working.

If you want to learn more about working from home effectively or anything else about improving your work-life balance, browse all our career advice here.

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